Integra Selecom Company has comprehension and special attitude to their customers who have certain devotions or hobbies in their life and who wish to participate in one of the Travel Programmes of this kind. Our company’s specialists will gladly assist you in planning and arranging such Programme. We invite you to the world’s best fishing on the rivers and lakes of Scotland, where you have a chance to catch fish to fit any taste: from a pike to Atlantic salmon and even a shark. We also offer you to see Finland – the spectacular land of innumerable and unforgettable lakes, and to get maximum pleasure from fishing and hunting in this picturesque countryside.
Moreover, for the fans of sea fishing our company offers help in organising this exciting event on the Black Sea Coast of Bulgaria. There you will be able to combine your hobby with recreation at the Black Sea. In addition, there are year-round programmes in Bulgaria for those who love hunting; it is exactly there that you can appreciate this process at its true value.
Integra Selecom Company is ready to arrange fishing, hunting and recreation for you in accordance with your individual wishes and budget at any time!